CREATING & SENDING EMAILS - How to create an email newsletter

The all new version of the EmailBuild editor. Here's a quick screencast showing some of the new features in action.


Inline CSS
We now automatically move all of your template CSS inline when sending the email. This means a much more consistent rendering across all email clients, especially those with poor CSS support like Gmail and Outlook 2007.

Drag and drop
Re-ordering the items in your newsletter is now as easy as picking it up and dropping it where you'd like. No more moving items up and down click by click.

Live preview
Now you can see exactly how the content will look in the email as you type it. No more switching back and forth between editing and previewing just to see how your content will look.

Bigger, resizable WYSIWYG editor
If you are adding lots of content to the emails, the limited size of the previous editor made it hard to see a lot of what you were writing at once. The new editor maximizes use of the available screen and can be resized to any height you prefer.

Huge performance increase
The entire editor has been rebuilt from scratch and is now much faster that the original. This speed increase combined with the live preview feature make it feel just like working on a local document.